We want you to know and feel our technology. We are waiting for you at the Innovation Center where we customize line up of our products and technologies based on your needs. Please experience the "technology" that is included in our world-class products.
互いの発想を刺激しあう。 ここは「対話」の場。
Stimulation of each other’s ideas. This is a place for "dialogue".
Get to know each other deeply in a relaxed atmosphere, and create resonance through free thinking across fields and positions. Let's talk about the image of our future that we want to create together.
分野を超えて語りあう。 ここは「共創」の場。
Discussion beyond various fields and industries. This is a place for "co-creation".
The Innovation Center is open to all stakeholders as a place to discover the next co-creation. Let's create a big movement that expands horizons, creates resonance, and changes society.
所在地 / Location
東京都千代田区丸の内1-11-1 パシフィックセンチュリープレイス丸の内29F
PACIFIC CENTURY PLACE MARUNOUCHI 29F 1-11-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
交通アクセス / Transportation Access
2 minutes on foot from Tokyo Station Yaesu South Gate
To visit this facility, please make a reservation through a Resonac Group employee.